What's Your Story? - Part 1 - Rich and Sylvia


We are collecting stories from our guest’s experiences rafting at River Runners. Here is the first installment from Rich and Sylvia Mackenzie.

If you would like your story featured send an e-mail to adventures@riverrunnersusa.com

“I’ve never been rafting before!”  “It looks a bit dangerous…”  “Sleep in a tent?  On the ground?”

These are just a few of the thoughts going through my wife’s mind as our 2017 Memorial Day trip was approaching.

We arrive on Friday to a welcoming chalkboard sign and began talking with friendly and helpful people all around us.  The tension and apprehension began to fade away.

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The next morning we woke up (yes, in our tent just a stones throw from the river bank) to the smell of fresh coffee.  We made our way to River Runners’ outdoor kitchen and the River Runners crew was busy slicing fresh fruit and making a complete breakfast.

After breakfast was the Safety Orientation!  This is where we learned how to communicate while on the water.  Of course, we also learned what to do in the event of an emergency.  By now, with our time to get into approaching quickly, my wife is ready to lose her breakfast and she considers just hanging out in camp and reading her book.  My wife’s bravery and determination broke through and she climbed into the raft with the rest of us.

After 5 minutes on the water she was feeling great.  After an hour on the water she punched me in the arm and asked “why didn’t we do this sooner?”

Our Memorial Day weekend was so much fun, we decided to come back over Labor Day.  We couldn’t stop talking about the entire experience... the River Runners staff, the outdoor kitchen near the river, all of our meals and snacks prepared for us.  We talked about it so much – our neighbors decided to join us!

 We continue to talk about the trips we and look forward to returning once again!  See You Soon, River Runners!

 Rich & Sylvia McKenzie

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